
Examining the inclusion of students with Intellectual Developmental Disability in Israel, main characteristics and degree of satisfaction among teaching staff, students and their parents

Catalog # 890-66-2018 | Other authors: Gilada Avissar

This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund
A questionnaire and an individual interview were used in this research to examine mainstreaming and inclusion processes of students with Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD) in Israel. The participants included the educational school staff, the students without and with IDD and parents of the latter in the Jewish sector in Israel. Several additional dimensions were examined  academic, social and behavioral aspects of the students with IDD; how different stakeholders perceive the affective ecology of mainstreamed students; the degree of satisfaction with mainstreaming among different stakeholders and how students without IDD perceive inclusion
Main findings were: students with IDD are fully and/or partially mainstreamed on an individual basis or they attend fully inclusive schools; more factors promoting mainstreaming were found than factors hindering it; being part of a regular class is perceived as an opportunity for social integration; students with IDD are perceived by their peers to be an integral part of the class and, at the same time, it is understood they might need extra help

For the Full text in Hebrew press here
For the English Abstract press here

Key words
People with intellectual developmental disabilities
socio-emotional aspect
educational staff
Shale Fund study