
Keren Shalem

מציג 10 תוצאות מתוך 206

Development of Literal, Figurative and Narrative Language in relation to Intelligence Development among Ultra-Orthodox Adolescents and Adults with Intellectual Disability and Those with Typical Development: The Impaired, Stable and Continuous (Compensatory) trajectories

This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund The objectives of the present study were to examine the developmental trajectories of crystalline and fluid intelligence and the developmental ...

The contribution of intervention program based on The Cycle of Internalized Learning CIL to deal with verbal violence and improve the quality of life of people with intellectual developmental disabilities living in domestic housing settings

This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund The present research presents an in-depth investigation of the phenomenon of verbal violence among adults with IDD The aims of ...

Between Secularization and Religiosity in Israel: Differences in Muslim Social Workers and Imams’ Recommendations Regarding Marriage/Divorce and Child Custody Issues of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Illness

This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund The present study examines differences in Muslim social workers and Imams' recommendations regarding marriage/divorce and child custody Issues of persons ...

מציג 10 תוצאות מתוך 206