
Keren Shalem

מציג 10 תוצאות מתוך 200

Supported employment – as part of the Employment Services for People with Intellectual developmental disability- mapping the characteristics of the partners in the program and the satisfaction of the employe

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund The following evaluation report present the mapping of the characteristics of employed persons, employers, ...

Attitudes change towards people with intellectual developmental disabilities – among Academic’s students who study in courses provided by the Shalem Fund and among Training students at Shalem Fund’s courses – in the year of 2017

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund The following evaluation report present the findings of the change in attitudes toward people ...

מציג 10 תוצאות מתוך 200