
Mapping and characterizing the participants of the Shalem Fund courses in the years of 2014 to 2016

Catalog # 203 | other authors : Maya Sabag

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

This report presents a characteristics analysis and mapping of 1,411 participants who participated in 76 Shalem Foundation training courses between the years 2014 to 2016. The analyzes relate to 30 courses that take place in the year of 2014, 33 courses in 2015 and only 13 courses from the year 2016- which are 46% of the courses funded by Shalem Foundation in this year (this is the number of courses that were completed as of the time when decided to carry out this current mapping) Because of the reference to only a half of the courses transferred in the year 2016 this report presents the findings for the entire sample taken, and the separation by years presented in the chapter of appendices

The mapping focuses on two aspects

A    Characterization of participants – including demographic characteristics such as gender, sector and place of work in Israel, occupational data (role of the participants and type of framework in which the participants work)

B    Characterization of the courses – including characteristics such as the type of courses, the position holders for which the courses were intended, the breadth of their layout and the training bodies that transferred the.

Full report in Hebrew

Key Words : People with intellectual developmental disabilities, Organizational aspects of services, Caregivers and staff, Social workers, Research, assessment and measurement,Shalem Fund Study