
Evaluation of Implementation of the program “See me!” in settings for people with IDD (Intellectual Developmental Disabilities)

Catalog # 890-260-2020

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

“See me!” program, deals with the external appearance and hygiene of people with intellectual developmental disabilities. The purpose of the current evaluation was to examine the assimilation of the program over time (up to 7 years), and the ways in which the assimilation takes place. For the purpose of the evaluation, a questionnaire was developed (with closed and open questions) that was delivered to the managers of the facilities and the referents of the “See Me” program. 25 of the 40 facilities in which the program took place, starting in 2016, participated in the evaluation.

Keywords :Program evaluation, ‘See me’ program, external appearance, hygiene, developmental intellectual disability

For Executive summery file

For full report in Hebrew

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