
Literature review about: Supported work for workers with Intellectual Developmental Disability

Catalog # 162 | other authors : Maya Sabag

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

As part of a study to assess the services of supported work for people with Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD), a literature review of supported work for people with IDD in Israel and world was conducted

The aim of the current review is to examine the current status in the field of supported work for people with IDD, while considering advantages of supported work in finding jobs for people with IDD, needs and deficits in the field

We found that there is a growing demand for people with IDD to be incorporated in the free market, that coincides with the trend developing in the past decade to try and incorporate people with IDD in the community

For the full review in Hebrew, press here

For the presentation of main points arising from the review press here

Key words :
People with intellectual developmental disabilities, Work, Community incorporation, Shalem Fund study