
The Shalem Fund: Programs in the Arab Sector in Israel

The Shalem Fund recently celebrated 30 years of social impact. As part of our efforts to better ourselves and refocus our efforts, we began to analyze our goals for the future using a process called Strategic Pivot Thinking (SPT). We have borrowed the term “pivot” from the business sector to represent the crucial turns and tipping points we hope to take in order to create further impact while using our foundation’s resources.
The Shalem Fund reached several strategic conclusions during this process, including the importance of partnering with other public and philanthropic foundations.
The Shalem Fund also defined three specific areas of focus for partnership and increased joint impact:
1. Arab society: The Shalem Fund has developed several programs in this area, including ground-breaking research opportunities.
2. Pivoting employment: The Shalem Fund is expanding its intensive research on employment and employment centers.
3. An incubator for change: The Shalem Fund is open to all projects that increase the inclusion of people with disabilities in society and improve their quality of life.

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